06-10-2015, 01:04 PM
![[Image: giordano.jpg]](http://aliciawilkerson.com/images/giordano.jpg)
The backroom was a typical backroom, it was the perfect place to hide for a few hours. He only hoped he wouldn't have company anytime soon.
Really it didn't matter. He could go quickly or make it a long drawn out process. Giordano would prefer the latter, but well he could do with the former. Short and sweet might just have to do.
Giordano took the boys wallet from him and found the number he was looking for and typed it into his own. Unfortunately, it went straight to voice mail, wherever the girl was she had no signal. He left a message, she'd get it eventually, "Hello love, I have something that means a great deal to you. I wish you'd answered to say your good-byes. Sorry, you won't get that chance now."
The boy's head hung limp against his chest where Giordano had managed to tie him to a chair. It was make shift but it would hold for now. He ran a finger across his cheek, sending the pain of his childhood through the boy. What it had been like being an outcast among those who were special already. He should have died like his daughter. But they took kindly upon him, his strength in untrained power had been unrivaled, and still was. The little girl held nothing to him, despite the fact that she balked at his control.
"Wake up! We have things to do and not a lot of time."