08-31-2014, 05:46 PM
Kolomon slid away and all but dissolved from Spectra's view. She had languid eyes only for Marcus. The young Sigma transformed himself as she had, burying all animosity far away like a crocodile fading beneath swampy waters. But the memory of fury remained when Spectra peeled her palm from his luscious lips.
"Allow me to make it up to you?"
Somehow she managed to pose at just the right angle so photographers might catch the gleam of friendship blooming between them. In hours, blogs, news, and tabloids around the world would be talking about the two of them. Particularly with the way she massaged a hand down the pelt of her collar, beginning at her neck and ending at the naval.
"You know they say the Ascendancy does not eat or sleep. That he is not human, flesh and blood like you and I are, forbidden, like a curse, to maintain his youth,"
ridicule perched on the tip of her tongue, subtly inflating the great Sigma's ego, "But surely you eat and sleep and fuck?"
She leaned in to whisper a secret, "you cannot possibly be a sixty year old man also?"
She let her hand linger on his arm before briefly brushing his hip. "Let me take you to dinner. The best Moscow has to offer. I'll be good,"
she said sweetly, tugging her collar open ever so slightly and drawing a fingernail across her chest.
"Cross my heart. Hope to die."
"Allow me to make it up to you?"
Somehow she managed to pose at just the right angle so photographers might catch the gleam of friendship blooming between them. In hours, blogs, news, and tabloids around the world would be talking about the two of them. Particularly with the way she massaged a hand down the pelt of her collar, beginning at her neck and ending at the naval.
"You know they say the Ascendancy does not eat or sleep. That he is not human, flesh and blood like you and I are, forbidden, like a curse, to maintain his youth,"
ridicule perched on the tip of her tongue, subtly inflating the great Sigma's ego, "But surely you eat and sleep and fuck?"
She leaned in to whisper a secret, "you cannot possibly be a sixty year old man also?"
She let her hand linger on his arm before briefly brushing his hip. "Let me take you to dinner. The best Moscow has to offer. I'll be good,"
she said sweetly, tugging her collar open ever so slightly and drawing a fingernail across her chest.
"Cross my heart. Hope to die."