08-16-2017, 03:45 PM
After a long day, Danika propped her feet on a plush ottoman, dropped her email into her lap, and fired up some background music. Two-hundred fourteen emails dotted her view, and her eyes immediately glazed the topics, names, addresses drowning her vision. Even as she scrolled, she mentally prioritized them, filing away most as something to respond to on another time. However, there were too many to simply review each by hand. A click of a command later, and the smart software of her email system reorganized the hundreds of unread emails by apparent priority. She expected the first few would have something to do with her boss, or maybe an emergency situation in the lab, or perhaps notifications on her funding. Instead, it was a .ccd sender that occupied the top spot. A government email address wasn't entirely unheard of, considering science funding within the CCD was a very coveted thing.
Interest piqued, she opened the file and her sleepy eyes grew wider when she viewed its contents. Up popped a name and an official-looking government photo, the kind where the background was filled with images of the Kremlin and flags of the empire. There was some kind of logo on the image, but she didn't recognize it. That meant it was important, indeed.
Marcus DuBois was a Consul. One of the people that ran an entire consulate and lived at the center of a wide circle of power. If Danika had been blown away by meeting Methos, it was truly surreal to receive an email from someone 1 degree of freedom of separation from Ascendancy.
Licking her lips, her eyes blazed over the words. He's read my work. A proud smile slowly blossomed upon that realization. He wants to talk about it?
"Yes, absolutely. Let me know the time and place.
Danika Zayed.
She responded quickly, short and sweet. The other two-hundred thirteen emails went unread for now. Instead, she began to read up on everything she could find concerning Consul DuBois.
Interest piqued, she opened the file and her sleepy eyes grew wider when she viewed its contents. Up popped a name and an official-looking government photo, the kind where the background was filled with images of the Kremlin and flags of the empire. There was some kind of logo on the image, but she didn't recognize it. That meant it was important, indeed.
Marcus DuBois was a Consul. One of the people that ran an entire consulate and lived at the center of a wide circle of power. If Danika had been blown away by meeting Methos, it was truly surreal to receive an email from someone 1 degree of freedom of separation from Ascendancy.
Licking her lips, her eyes blazed over the words. He's read my work. A proud smile slowly blossomed upon that realization. He wants to talk about it?
"Yes, absolutely. Let me know the time and place.
Danika Zayed.
She responded quickly, short and sweet. The other two-hundred thirteen emails went unread for now. Instead, she began to read up on everything she could find concerning Consul DuBois.
"Magic is just science we don't understand."