[[OoC: I’m having a pretty rough day and writing Elyse and Anna is very therapeutic for me. Anyone can jump in if you’d be there - no worries if not - just be kind - therapy writing here :-) ]]
Elyse was getting dressed for her set on stage. She was back to work now and had missed quite a bit. People at Kallisti had been very supportive during her tough times. Family - they said. It reinforced everything Sage, Hayden, and Anna had told her about family. They had accepted her here. For no other reason than she was a fellow employee. That felt nice. It was what she needed now. She had only started taking her medications recently but they were already working. That made her smile at least - until the inevitable mood swing hit. Her therapist had warned her that mood swings, decreased libido, and the thoughts of suicide were possible side effects. The first two would go away as she got used to the meds. She was told to contact a doctor immediately if the last came into existence. Mood swings and decreased libido were present, and, thankfully, she wasn’t experiencing the last one.
Anna was there being the stalwart friend she was. ”You doing okay? Ready?”
Elyse nodded, checking her wallet and seeing that Marta was going to stay with her tonight. That helped too. She also said she had something important and good to talk about. Elyse responded by telling her she looked forward to hearing it. ”Yeah - I’m okay. Very nervous though. Not sure I can do this.”
Elyse’s head was moved as Anna took her face in her hands, bringing Elyse’s eyes to meet hers. ”You got this, Elyse. Want me to come out with you?”
Elyse blinked. ”Our dance isn’t ready yet…”
”Not our dance,” Anna interrupted. ”Your dance - with me backing you up. Same thing you did during rehearsal - but you have me there with you.”
Elyse just looked at Anna for awhile. She wasn’t sure what Anna had planned, and usually a change like this would get her nerves going, but this time she felt strangely calm and intrigued. ”Go on…” Elyse prompted, curious at what Anna was thinking.
Elyse was getting dressed for her set on stage. She was back to work now and had missed quite a bit. People at Kallisti had been very supportive during her tough times. Family - they said. It reinforced everything Sage, Hayden, and Anna had told her about family. They had accepted her here. For no other reason than she was a fellow employee. That felt nice. It was what she needed now. She had only started taking her medications recently but they were already working. That made her smile at least - until the inevitable mood swing hit. Her therapist had warned her that mood swings, decreased libido, and the thoughts of suicide were possible side effects. The first two would go away as she got used to the meds. She was told to contact a doctor immediately if the last came into existence. Mood swings and decreased libido were present, and, thankfully, she wasn’t experiencing the last one.
Anna was there being the stalwart friend she was. ”You doing okay? Ready?”
Elyse nodded, checking her wallet and seeing that Marta was going to stay with her tonight. That helped too. She also said she had something important and good to talk about. Elyse responded by telling her she looked forward to hearing it. ”Yeah - I’m okay. Very nervous though. Not sure I can do this.”
Elyse’s head was moved as Anna took her face in her hands, bringing Elyse’s eyes to meet hers. ”You got this, Elyse. Want me to come out with you?”
Elyse blinked. ”Our dance isn’t ready yet…”
”Not our dance,” Anna interrupted. ”Your dance - with me backing you up. Same thing you did during rehearsal - but you have me there with you.”
Elyse just looked at Anna for awhile. She wasn’t sure what Anna had planned, and usually a change like this would get her nerves going, but this time she felt strangely calm and intrigued. ”Go on…” Elyse prompted, curious at what Anna was thinking.