03-11-2025, 10:09 AM
Sterling took Lily so that Marta could take out her contacts. She didn't particularly like babies. They were a lot of work. She was glad that it had done Marta some good though. And Jackson was cute, but he was also family. At least to Sterling. Though it was as bad as having a crush on her cousin too. It's not like anything would happen. He was just a good looking guy.
Lily was definitely sleepy, it wouldn't be long before she was asleep. That's all she did. Nox was in for a handful as soon as she did more.
Upstairs the three men sat talking and drinking. Hayden standing behind the island like a bar. He was good at that. He always seemed to put people at ease. Though the new guy didn't seem to be absorbing all that was going on. But this was just another day in the life of Nox.
She stood near the new table and waited for Marta. She didn't want to interrupt anything.
Lily was definitely sleepy, it wouldn't be long before she was asleep. That's all she did. Nox was in for a handful as soon as she did more.
Upstairs the three men sat talking and drinking. Hayden standing behind the island like a bar. He was good at that. He always seemed to put people at ease. Though the new guy didn't seem to be absorbing all that was going on. But this was just another day in the life of Nox.
She stood near the new table and waited for Marta. She didn't want to interrupt anything.