03-06-2025, 12:04 PM
Nox barely remembered his name. He was pretty sure Marta had called him Ricky, but Nox wasn't ever good with names.
The HUD showed a disturbance to the left of the café and Nox moved in that direction "Sky, show me the feed of the nearest disturbance." He said as he nodded towards the direction to go as Ricky came out beside him.
The feed showed an nearly empty alley with a pair of struggling feet kicking on the other side of the dumpster.
Very few monsters hunted in day light. And only when the pickens were slime in the underground. Clearing the refugees out might have been a godsend if whatever it was was feeding topside.
Nox lowered his voice and spoke to his companion. "We got a vic around the corner, no idea what's got it." Nox didn't have a weapon, and he didn't know what he was coming up against. But he'd been trained in hand to hand, as much as he hated fighting that way, it was still a way to dispatch a monster -- as long as it wasn't an Oni, and then he was fucked. But Oni don't hide behind dumpsters hiding their kills. They are bulls in china shops, they aren't careful.
The entrance to the alley was a few feet away and Nox peered around the corner looking for what advantages they had. The creature and its victim were still out of site and as long as they were quiet they'd get the jump on it.
Nox signaled for Ricky to cover him as he moved in towards the near side of the dumpster. there was a wooden handle sticking up from the bin and Nox carefully reached in and pulled the broken handle of a mop or broom from the refuse. With it by his side he looked towards Ricky asking if he was ready? They didn't know what they were going to be coming up against. With a signal of assent, Nox crept around the dumpster and took two steps back from it towards the opposite wall and tapped the new weapon on the ground. Alerting the dreyken he now saw to his presence. It hissed and sputtered blood at him and lunged towards Nox, leaving the victim's lifeless corpse to collapse completely to the ground as the creature dropped it.
Nox managed to parry one blow, but the second set of razor sharp talons of the dreyken caught his side leaving a wide gash in his abdomen -- if it had gone any deeper he'd be spilling guts out all over the floor.
The HUD showed a disturbance to the left of the café and Nox moved in that direction "Sky, show me the feed of the nearest disturbance." He said as he nodded towards the direction to go as Ricky came out beside him.
The feed showed an nearly empty alley with a pair of struggling feet kicking on the other side of the dumpster.
Very few monsters hunted in day light. And only when the pickens were slime in the underground. Clearing the refugees out might have been a godsend if whatever it was was feeding topside.
Nox lowered his voice and spoke to his companion. "We got a vic around the corner, no idea what's got it." Nox didn't have a weapon, and he didn't know what he was coming up against. But he'd been trained in hand to hand, as much as he hated fighting that way, it was still a way to dispatch a monster -- as long as it wasn't an Oni, and then he was fucked. But Oni don't hide behind dumpsters hiding their kills. They are bulls in china shops, they aren't careful.
The entrance to the alley was a few feet away and Nox peered around the corner looking for what advantages they had. The creature and its victim were still out of site and as long as they were quiet they'd get the jump on it.
Nox signaled for Ricky to cover him as he moved in towards the near side of the dumpster. there was a wooden handle sticking up from the bin and Nox carefully reached in and pulled the broken handle of a mop or broom from the refuse. With it by his side he looked towards Ricky asking if he was ready? They didn't know what they were going to be coming up against. With a signal of assent, Nox crept around the dumpster and took two steps back from it towards the opposite wall and tapped the new weapon on the ground. Alerting the dreyken he now saw to his presence. It hissed and sputtered blood at him and lunged towards Nox, leaving the victim's lifeless corpse to collapse completely to the ground as the creature dropped it.
Nox managed to parry one blow, but the second set of razor sharp talons of the dreyken caught his side leaving a wide gash in his abdomen -- if it had gone any deeper he'd be spilling guts out all over the floor.