02-24-2025, 12:51 PM
Vulnerable…had she been vulnerable? Rachel struggled to remember why she had been at Manifesto and when. The only thing she could remember was desire and pleasure - a constant feeling of both that didn’t stop. All she remembered were bodies writhing together in bliss. Everything before that was fuzzy. She had walked with Lucio at the GUM…had that been today?
Rachel needed that feeling again. She needed it more than she needed the food in front of her, and she hated that. Something within her was screaming. Something was wrong - very wrong. She struggled to find out what it was. Struggled to figure out the blank spots in her memory. Why had she gone to Manifesto? Cruz - she had broken up with Cruz. Why did that matter. Confusion welled up within her and her breathing quickened as panic arose inside of her.
What the fuck is going on? she thought, bringing her hands to her face.
Confusion and panic settled into fear. Everything in her told her to run. She had to leave, but she couldn’t stand. She couldn’t move. There was nothing she could do.
Rachel needed that feeling again. She needed it more than she needed the food in front of her, and she hated that. Something within her was screaming. Something was wrong - very wrong. She struggled to find out what it was. Struggled to figure out the blank spots in her memory. Why had she gone to Manifesto? Cruz - she had broken up with Cruz. Why did that matter. Confusion welled up within her and her breathing quickened as panic arose inside of her.
What the fuck is going on? she thought, bringing her hands to her face.
Confusion and panic settled into fear. Everything in her told her to run. She had to leave, but she couldn’t stand. She couldn’t move. There was nothing she could do.