12-27-2024, 01:27 PM
Juls laughed and took a sip of her coffee. "You aren't behind. How could you be? I'm still learning, I'm not even a great teacher. I only started showing Sterling because Nox asked me too. It just sorta grew from there. Oriena would be a much better teacher in terms of power and skill. But we all do what we can to learn from each other. And if you feel behind because of what you've seen Nox do then honey none of us match that skill. And none of us ever will. We don't practice several hours a day, everyday ad nauseum. Boy is single minded. And he does a lot of the shows extras because he can and we don't have to stress over it." Juls smiled.
"You are exactly where you need to be when you needed to be. Embracing the power is the first step. learning how to play with the power is the next. First rule, don't finish a weave you don't know what it does when inside or when others are around. You only want to blow yourself up, not the rest of us." Juls giggled. "Second rule, experimenting is good if you are safe."
"You can imagine where those rules came from. And I always wonder what he did to learn them." Juls embraced the power and smiled. "Illusion is our bread and butter here at Kallisti, the illusion of sex, of being wanted. You know the drill, and illusion is where we can use this so let's start simple." Juls wove a simple illusion weave of a firey boa around her neck, the flames flicking at her throat, but there was no heat, just pretty lights. "Once you learn the simple weave you can adapt it with experimentation."