12-08-2024, 02:03 AM
Perhaps Mae could tell that Elyse needed to compose herself a little more before talking. Of course she would know here emotions were all over the place. Eating first sounded good. She smiled at hearing about Ashton. She had heard him sing before. He was really good.
”He has a great voice. It would be great to see him on stage. Hopefully Carmen offers him a position.”
That reminded Elyse she also needed to speak to Carmen. She was going to stay home tomorrow and take a personal day to get some things taken care of. Elyse took a sip of her water. ”Anything else happen at rehearsal?” as she talked, she could feel herself calming down. This was another reason Elyse liked being with Mae. Her understanding of emotions helped her calm others down too.
”He has a great voice. It would be great to see him on stage. Hopefully Carmen offers him a position.”
That reminded Elyse she also needed to speak to Carmen. She was going to stay home tomorrow and take a personal day to get some things taken care of. Elyse took a sip of her water. ”Anything else happen at rehearsal?” as she talked, she could feel herself calming down. This was another reason Elyse liked being with Mae. Her understanding of emotions helped her calm others down too.