11-28-2024, 07:15 PM
Her lips hooked a sharp smile. Given the nature of their rivalry there was rarely what could be considered any actual losing in the games they played, no matter which of them won, but it never dampened Nhysa’s competitive spirit to play against him. Her teeth teased her lip as his breath lingered in her ear. “Yes, dear one,” she answered, luxuriating in their closeness. Her fingers skimmed a possessive caress along his jaw, entirely meant as a devious distraction.
Meanwhile a red dress led her mark to the dancefloor. She’d already observed him sweep his surroundings from the bar, which was a good sign, though any second rate ex-military op would do the same. She’d read the file, though, and Pervaya simply didn’t waste time unless there was a spark worth investigating.
Meanwhile a red dress led her mark to the dancefloor. She’d already observed him sweep his surroundings from the bar, which was a good sign, though any second rate ex-military op would do the same. She’d read the file, though, and Pervaya simply didn’t waste time unless there was a spark worth investigating.