11-15-2024, 05:03 PM
Cadence breathed a bit. Ilesha wasn’t scared away by her anxiety. She actually echoed some of her therapists words about just breaking though the blocks sometimes. It was so hard to do because it was scary. She thought everyone was always going to abandon her somewhere.
Cadence took the offered card. Kallisti House of Burlesque. It certainly wasn’t somewhere she’d go on her own. Not that she disapproved of such things - it just wasn’t her thing. But there were channelers there. And she could learn. She wanted to go, but was scared to. But she had to try.
”Would you take me there?” she said still looking down at the card. ”If I go alone I might not, but if a…” she trailed off before saying the word friend - afraid that saying it would result in an immediate rejection. Cadence looked up to meet Ilesha’s eyes. ”Please. she wasn’t sure if the please was for the request of friendship or accompanying her to Kallisti. Maybe it was both.
Cadence took the offered card. Kallisti House of Burlesque. It certainly wasn’t somewhere she’d go on her own. Not that she disapproved of such things - it just wasn’t her thing. But there were channelers there. And she could learn. She wanted to go, but was scared to. But she had to try.
”Would you take me there?” she said still looking down at the card. ”If I go alone I might not, but if a…” she trailed off before saying the word friend - afraid that saying it would result in an immediate rejection. Cadence looked up to meet Ilesha’s eyes. ”Please. she wasn’t sure if the please was for the request of friendship or accompanying her to Kallisti. Maybe it was both.
Sometimes - People Are The Monsters