09-25-2023, 09:45 PM
The touch on her shoulder sent sparks down her arm only because it was Marcus’ hand that did the touching. She couldn’t help the sheepish smile that followed as she watched him sit. It was one of familiarity, sure, but she hoped it wasn’t also one that said ‘I’ve seen you naked.’
“It’s really good to see you, too.” She said back.
“We were just daydreaming about the difference between magic and science. Allan has some really cool ideas about things that maybe could be discovered with the channeler power.”
She hoped that was enough of a bridge to get Marcus up to speed.
“Like the wormhole idea.” She nodded excitedly and offered to pour Marcus some of his own wine.
“It’s really good to see you, too.” She said back.
“We were just daydreaming about the difference between magic and science. Allan has some really cool ideas about things that maybe could be discovered with the channeler power.”
She hoped that was enough of a bridge to get Marcus up to speed.
“Like the wormhole idea.” She nodded excitedly and offered to pour Marcus some of his own wine.
"Magic is just science we don't understand."