07-19-2016, 07:58 PM
Quote:<dl>Like the character or the writer?</div>
<dd>Jul 19 2016, 07:54 PM</dd>
<blockquote class="quote_blockquote">
<dt>Cain Belasis</dt>
<dd>Jul 19 2016, 06:34 PM</dd>
<div>Nice to meet you! Wow that's a lot of characters!
And yeah somehow this bio is turning into a novella. That's what I get for unleashing my creative impulses (should've waited a few more days drat!). Uhh, sorry to those who have to read through and approve these things, but this character has planted brain-seeds hardcore. Also username change incoming when approved by admins to "Cain Belasis" so that no one's surprised!
(Also: Calvin Johnson? You from Detroit?)
*pat pat* Football, gio. Football. Calvin Johnson is a WR for Detroit.