![[Image: miller-wentworth-image.jpg]](https://www.famousbirthdays.com/faces/miller-wentworth-image.jpg)
Sergei's brows drew down over his blue eyes. He really didn't know Aria. She seemed far too serious for him, anyway. Perfect for Lucas though. Poor fool. His buddy was always looking for someone to save. Street kids, addicts, people who were trapped. Privately, Sergei thought he felt guilty for having gotten out of the life- and so luckily too. In a little more than five years, he went from a kid thrown out onto the streets, selling himself for whatever smack he could get his hands on, to owning his own shop. Well, sort of. Valentin was the money guy.
And that was luck. Valentin hadn't picked him off the street to keep as his boy toy, after all. In that state, Lucas woulda done it too. No, the man had a heart of gold.
Lucas' dying was a hole in the old man's heart. He'd lost his son and seemed to have aged 20 years at least, since.
So....if Aria was involved...Yeah, he had no interest in protecting her. But then again, he didn't know this guy from Adam. And he wasn't gonna sell someone out just cuz he was cute.
He looked at the picture. Troublemaker, was what he saw. "Not really. She hasn't been around since Lucas died." And what the hell was that? He was fucking 23 years old and has a heart attack?! He didn't hide the sorrow. It was enough that the Suit's comment shocked him instead of making him laugh. He briefly looked at Ana. Yeah, she knew all too well. The SexInk parties. She was at the last one. Didn't really enjoy it. Tattoo went on perfectly as the couple of guys clearly had no clue what the hell they were doing. Not that he did, either. But then again, he wouldn't'a tried either. He would have winked at her, normally, if he wasn't feeling so nostalgic.
Not now. The look he returned to the guy was resigned.
The doorbell chimed. Damn, but it looked to be a busy morning. He glanced at the wall display. Good thing Leinani would be in in a few. Ana and Suit were up next. And then, a brunette walked in. Despite it all, his mood lightened at the response in the room.
Suit barely took notice until she actually touched him as she brushed past. And then his intensity was suddenly focused on Ana. Ana might have raised a brow. Hard to tell. She wasn't exactly particular about sex. So maybe she was interested in those lips- or hips, he supposed. And the cute guy he was talking to didn't seem to overreact. All of which made him smile slightly to himself. Maybe his flirting might be reciprocated?
Poor girl. he almost felt sorry for her. Walked in and didn't own the room. If this was a Friday night with a bunch of drunken frat boys, it'd be a different story, of course. Very different. Instead, just a whole lot of indifference.
He very nearly laughed until she got close and touched both of them.
Well was something he had never noticed. Like seriously ever. Suddenly, those eyes seemed to be very inviting. And those full lips...His heart sped up a little. More than a little. Briefly, he glanced at Beardy and felt jealousy spike. He tried to speak first. "Yeah, I know him. I've talked to him a few times too!" He couldn't help but shoot a triumphant glance at Beardy. Douche. He hoped she smiled at him.