08-25-2014, 12:22 PM
Thomas followed them with care. He was sure they did not know he was following them. Civilians were like that, they didn't know. But even if they weren't civlians, he had learned to tail someone from the best. It was his job to hunt monsters of all kinds, this was his first god.
Their dinner bored Thomas. The concert was nothing to snore at, but Thomas could barely hear it from outside where he waited across the street at a small coffee shop.
Instead of hailing a cab like he expected they started strolling down the street hand in hand. Thomas rolled his eyes at the love birds. Thomas wondered if he knew if the man knew what his girlfriend was.
As if the thought conjured the fireball and then a man flying through the street with noone touching him, Thomas had his confirmation. This redheaded woman was a reborn goddess. He had found the one thing that he had yet to kill, and it would bring him much needed pay raise - Thomas Neustadt, Slayer of Gods! It had a nice ring to it.
Thomas let them go, he got what he needed to know. Now was the time to make his report. Just in case the bitch got the upper hand. Thomas used his wallet in the shadows and sent a quick message to his boss at HQ. "Found a God. Going to take action. Marks name: Ayden Hayes." He sent his GPS coordinates as well. They'd get the basic jist of it.
Thomas now needed to make a plan and take this girl down. Tomorrow while they were on their little vacation would be best. A bullet to the brain should take her down without too much issue. Just to find the right time!
Their dinner bored Thomas. The concert was nothing to snore at, but Thomas could barely hear it from outside where he waited across the street at a small coffee shop.
Instead of hailing a cab like he expected they started strolling down the street hand in hand. Thomas rolled his eyes at the love birds. Thomas wondered if he knew if the man knew what his girlfriend was.
As if the thought conjured the fireball and then a man flying through the street with noone touching him, Thomas had his confirmation. This redheaded woman was a reborn goddess. He had found the one thing that he had yet to kill, and it would bring him much needed pay raise - Thomas Neustadt, Slayer of Gods! It had a nice ring to it.
Thomas let them go, he got what he needed to know. Now was the time to make his report. Just in case the bitch got the upper hand. Thomas used his wallet in the shadows and sent a quick message to his boss at HQ. "Found a God. Going to take action. Marks name: Ayden Hayes." He sent his GPS coordinates as well. They'd get the basic jist of it.
Thomas now needed to make a plan and take this girl down. Tomorrow while they were on their little vacation would be best. A bullet to the brain should take her down without too much issue. Just to find the right time!
![[Image: kirkacevado.jpg]](http://0.tqn.com/d/tvdramas/1/7/m/J/kirkacevado.jpg)