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It had been a tough few weeks. All the help from the channeling doctor was only so good when he still had withdrawal symptoms. He'd gotten in a small fix the other night - watching Nox and Jay. That had been a night. A stressful anxiety ridden night that almost ended the same way if it hadn't been for a bottle of very expensive whiskey. At least that's what Sage thought it was. The following morning was interesting too. He got to see Nox naked and Sage hadn't hidden the lustful glances he gave Aurora's little brother. Hell he had wanted to kiss him, he should have instead of just teasing him. But Nox admitted to being confused. He'd waited this long, Sage could wait a little longer. Though Nox knew he had feelings for the channeler.
But now Sage had to man up and go back to the University and meet with the real doctor, the one who was going to open up his head and look around. While he was fucking awake. Sage wished Nox was there, but he'd have to do this alone. He was used it, but having a friend had been good, but Nox was busy. Sage didn't know where he was, he hadn't seem in since that morning. Which made him regret not kissing the other man.
Sage was admitted and was waiting for his lovely doctors to join him. He was wearing one of those stupid gowns that revealed everything and his thoughts would betray his arousal so he thought about other things... though nothing compared at the moment since he couldn't see any information. Sage sighed and leaned back and stared at the ceiling trying to remember the feeling of information flowing through his mind. He so wanted to jack back in... but Nox had the hardware, though he could wire in... It was a thought. Inconvenient, but a thought...
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She was there as promised; would have made it happen even without Mr Parker's endorsement.This case - and more keenly, its atrocities - had stuck with her. It made her blood boil. She couldn't fathom parents doing that to a child. Fuck, when her sister's changes had been upon her Morven would have given her life to save her - almost had, in those cold snowy mountains. Seems you have more than a drop of wolf in your own blood, Lyall had joked. Or maybe lioness.
She didn't trust Marcil's intentions, which is to say - after her dealings with Paragon Group - she suspected Mr Parker's life was inconsequential to examining the unique tech rooted into his brain. It was the main reason she had insisted on her presence, though it had meant revealing her abilities to yet more strangers.She would remind them that the priority was saving his life.
She knocked before she entered, a cursory gesture. Mr Parker was abed, staring at the ceiling. Her jaw tightened, then released. She didn't want to imagine what thoughts might plague a man before such a surgery "Mr Parker. It's almost time. Are you ready?"
She'd receive a smart remark, no doubt. He knew he had no choice.
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Sage opened his eyes when the pretty doctor came in. He was glad to see her, at least she hadn't backed out on him. He was a little disgruntled his one and only friend in Moscow was off doing god knows what with god knows who. Sage couldn't help the little bit of jealousy that floated through his mind before it was gone. Nox wasn't his - never was and he sighed to himself like never would be.
He smiled at the doctor. "As ready as I'll ever be to have someone poking around in my head."
He wasn't looking forward to it and he could feel the anxiety of the situation, the lack of his connection and everything would be too much, he wished for those stupid pills but he hadn't had one since the concert. Even his little fix of information was hardly helping now.
His voice sounded small and he felt even smaller, "Don't let them hurt me."
It was a prayer to the unknown gods of this world, and a plea to the one in front of him - at least that's what Nox called people like him - gods... Sage only hoped he was right on that account.
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He smiled. Though she could see the anxiety through the expression, she was glad he was not a wreck. What the fuck could she say to comfort him? She was too practical to try and convince him everything would be fine. They'd both know it for a lie. But she was here, and she would fight his corner while the doctors poked and prodded. That'd have to be enough. She shifted her stance, gaze flicking to the door that would admit Marcil.
Don't let them hurt me. A muscle tightened in her jaw. Something in her soul stirred to that plea. She couldn't even promise him that; the power she controlled wrought miracles, but it still had limitations. Should things go sour it might keep him alive, but Marcil would be the one performing the operation. He was the one in control. She couldn't promise the outcome. She could promise her own intentions, though. "I won't."
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Dr. Marcil walked into the room for the first time. Sage looked up at the balding man and thought he looked like he was several thousand years older than his photo online. He smirked and said. "You are actually in town this time. I'm surprised. I thought I'd be doing the surgery myself."
The doctor looked at Sage and then frowned. "I see the American sarcasm is dry as usual."
Sage rolled his eyes. "I'm not looking forward to this one bit doc, so let's get it over with."
Dr. Marcil waved the nurses in and they wheeled the bed out of the room and down the corridor. Everything was long and white and sterile and making Sage's anxiety spike. He took deep breathes. The last time he'd done something like this he was five. They were going in to dissect his brain. To see what was wrong, and where they might be able to fix things.
A message dinged on the good doctors laptop and the appropriate messages that the man needed to explore Sage's head were now in his files. Sage had crossed one threshold, now he just had to make it to the other side alive. There were many stages to this whole thing and this was only the first step.
The surgery amphitheater was just that a theater. Sage was awake as they wheeled him in and then strapped him down. Moving was a determent to the procedure, Sage understood this but his breathing increased and his body trembled. I'm not five he thought to himself. I'm not five.
There was a prick and then a warmth flooded Sage's body. And he felt nothing as they cut into his head. It was surreal watching them in the mirror on the ceiling. The nurse in front of him kept checking his pupils and his responses as they cut the bone, and revealed the circuitry below.
Dr. Marcil made a sound and it sounded very much like he was confused. He muttered, "This should be inflamed but it's not."
Sage wanted to take a look at his doctor, where she was he couldn't tell but he couldn't see her. He knew she was there though. Sage felt nothing as they probed his brain looking at the circuitry that had been exposed.
Edited by Sage, Jun 8 2017, 03:01 PM.
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Morven kept her distance for now, and allowed Marcil to do his job. Now that they were in theatre, calm flooded out the crowd of other, more volatile emotions. She watched them cut Mr Parker's head open, and Marcil begin the delicate exploratory work. When he spoke, though it wasn't a question, she was the one to answer. Curt and simple. "Then that should make your job easier."
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As Dr. Marcil probed, the nurse in front of Sage kept him busy talking about whatever Dr. Marcil was working on at the moment. Motor skills, his fingers had to touch each one. Different pictures were show for cognitive ability. There was memories they asked about both recent and past. So many questions and Sage's mouth ran dry before they were finished.
He hadn't felt a thing, he wasn't sure how his responses were doing.
Dr. Marcil came around and looked at Sage after what had to be several hours. Mr. Parker, there is very little inflamation and the degradation is much less than before, but the cells are still deteriorating, but I can remove the circuitry now, we could cut down the number of times we have to open you up. Once we've built the modifications and studied the circuitry, we can replace them. We've done as much mapping as we possibly can and I expect that we'll have your brain working at full capacity once again in short order."
"If you remove it now, what's to say you won't replace it. No. I want to see a set of circuits before you can take them out of my head."
He tried to find Dr. Kinnaird. "Dr. Kinnaird please insure the good doctor here leaves everything in my head and doesn't try anything stupid."
He sneered at the man in front of him. Sage wasn't going to let the good doctor have the circuitry not without a working replacement.
"Mr. Parker, if we don't remove circuits you run the risk of death."
"Dr. Marcil. I run the risk of dying the moment you remove the circuits from my head. You will leave them in or I will sue you for malpractice."
Dr. Marcil muttered "Bloody Americans."
Edited by Sage, Jun 29 2017, 02:44 PM.
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Dr. Marcil relented and closed up. Sage wouldn't pay up until he had working pieces to replace what he had. If he died he died. He was going to do that anyway.
There was a lot of video and pictures taken and Sage wanted to watch it afterwards and he wanted a copy of it so he could save it later. He was confident that he could hack again with his computer brain, but that was still rounds away.
Closing up was quick. Recovery room was a little less fun. But then he was taken back to his room where Christian was waiting. They had let him in to the private room. Sage gave him a weak smile.
He was staff but he felt more like family. Christian was more like a father to Cruz. At least that's what Cruz had said. But at least his father didn't try to kill him. Sage sighed as they helped him in bed and left him alone with the butler/father/whatever he was. When they were alone Christian smiled. "Nox is home. The officer who was interviewing him believed his story."
Sage smiled. That was good news... but now that meant he'd be home waiting and that was going to be awkward. "So he told a lie."
Christian shook his head. "No, I think he told the truth."
"And he believed him still? He is a charmer."
Christian nodded. "Nox was explaining the security to him when I left. He's an ally. I think they need you at home, but I'm not letting you go home until you are recovered."
Sage frowned. "What does that mean?"
"That your doctor has to clear you to go home and help your friends, otherwise you'll stay here. On my dollar if it has to be." The way Christian said it made Sage think that he was not going to be able to talk the man down. Sage sighed and nodded.
Maybe he could get the good doctor to heal him again...
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Gruelling and fascinating. All things considered the exploratory surgery had gone simply, for which she was grateful - and she hadn't needed to step in, just observe. Whether Marcil would have kept his word without her presence was immaterial; for now, things were going according to plan, and she was content with that. And exhausted. But when wasn't she? After cleaning up she grabbed a large coffee and a moment's respite, then went to check on the patient. Not that she mistrusted Marcil's staff (okay, so he clearly knew what he was doing, even if his morals were screwed) but Sage Parker was her patient.
He had company, she knew, and she did give a cursory knock but didn't pause long before entering the private recovery suite. She acknowledged said company with a brief greeting nod, but directed her words to Sage without preamble. "How're you feeling?"
she asked. "Any unusual pain?"
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Sage looked up and smiled at his doctor. She'd not done much, but he was certain she would have if it were necessary. It was good to have someone on your side. He looked back at Christian side. "I'm okay. I want to go home."
Christian stood up and offered his hand to the doctor. "Doctor, I'm Christian, a friend of the family, and while I believe there is always a crisis in the house, Sage seems determined to help. And those he is helping will guilelessly use his talents for their needs, so if he's not ready to go home. You cannot let him charm you into letting him go prematurely. Like everyone else in the house he seems to think he always gets his way."
Sage stuck his tongue out childlishly at Christian. "I usually get my way."
Christian nodded. "So does Nox and Dorian. And you know if it means protecting Cruz you will do whatever it takes to keep him safe."
Sage sighed. "She's like Nox - except she isn't a fighter she's a healer."
Christian's eyes went wide in the realization. "I could be out of here in a heartbeat if I asked nicely and she agreed."
He smiled at her. He hadn't asked, and he wasn't ready to. "How long do I need to stay here under normal circumstances?"
He wasn't ready to talk to Nox anymore than he was probably ready to talk to him. But they needed to... Sage had kissed him. Sage smirked at the thought, his friend had done more than kiss him and Sage was a little jealous...
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