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Absence Thread
I am returnded!
<dd>May 21 2015, 05:41 PM</dd>
I am returnded!
Who are you?
I'll be heading out of town (AGAIN), leaving this Sunday, the 7th, and should be home again around the 25th/26th. Bringing my laptop, but won't have internet where I'm going. But, should have weekends off so I should at least be able to go hit up an internet hotspot somewhere to do some posts, at the least.

Going to Shilo, Manitoba. Going to be pretty close to North Dakota, and will have my car. So maybe I'll journey south of the border at some point, go poke some of youz strange, foreign American sorts with a stick.
An emergency came up I am unlikely to post for the next few days. Hopefully Monday will be a better day.
Hope everything will be okay. Take care.
Everything should be okay. Monday I'll be back to my writing here. Still have things to deal with but hopefully not stress out non-writing worthy like the past two days.
Hello all!

I recently was hired for a new job (I'm gonna be teaching music again Big Grin). As a result, though, I'll be spending the next few weeks preparing for the year, so might not be posting as much or as often as I usually do (even though lately, I've been sort of behind on this anyways [Image: 4.png] ). I will still be around and still posting, it just might take a bit with the following characters:


I apologize for any inconvenience - like I said, I will likely get to it, but it might take a few days.
Apologies for my sudden and long absence. Was sent out of town rather last-minute and didn't bring my laptop. Rookie move.
Will be gone on exercise again Monday to sometime late Thursday.

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