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Definitely don't recommend the way I had mine removed!
The guys at Dueling Dragons are good. Did my original and a new peice.
[[ ooc: this was a tattoo place owned by Lucas, ck still has NPC working there but you could just write going there if you wanted and having someone else do it, I'm sure Sergei would have hired someone else after Lucas died. ]]
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Liam shrugged. "I've never had good luck with that myself. It's just safe here. Ya know, not anyone here is gonna call me a freak for anything I just said. We never really went to school, or had friends, and we weren't even supposed to talk about it at home. No one's going to judge me based on the fact that my foster parents were monsters. That's what scares me most. This is the first safe place we've lived. There is no threat of being eaten alive, or roasted in a fire pit. Or fattened up weeks before you turn 18 and..." his voice trailed off. "No one talks about it. Ashton and Liv were lucky, they lived past 18. They are special, can keep working for the Blackthorns with added benefits. As a foster kid we lose all monetary value when we turn 18." Liam wiped tears away and turned to stare at the TV he'd missed some things, but he could always rewind it. "Even these horror flicks have nothing on the things we've all seen."
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I was gonna make that joke, but dark humor is new to me. thanks - I’ll check it out. Send you a pic when I get the new ink!
I’m sure Sage has already given you and Bruno Peter’s Atharim file. I’m gonna go through it today (if I can get Sage to send it to me) and give you some annotations on his habits and methods. I’ll send it to you when I’m done. Not that I don’t trust your skills. He bit off more than he could chew by doing this. Still whatever helps.
Elyse sent a message to Sage with a request for the file. This would give Nox a little more help. She turned to Liam, and compassion hit her golden eyes. She set her wallet down in the table and went over to him.
”I can’t imagine the horrors you all went through there. I’m glad you’re out and safe here. If there is anything I can do. Just ask. she gave him an encouraging and genuine smile. ”You look like you could use a hug. Would you permit a wolf girl who genuinely means well? If not - that’s okay.” she knew trauma victims sometimes were scared to be touched.
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Nox knew it would do Elyse good to think she was helping, but Peter Anderson would never see his face, He'd never even know he was hunted. Unless he suddenly sprouted the ability to channel like a godling, he'd only think he was having a heart attack. It was best to do it in the comfort of a nights bedrest, but this man, he'd die painfully if he had any say in the matter.
All is a help. :thumbup:
Sage immediately sent over the file with a big smoking gun emoji
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12-16-2024, 06:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2024, 06:49 PM by Legione Sumus.)
Liam gave her a half smile. "Hugs are nice. Not something we got often. I think I've been hugged here more than I've been hugged anywhere else." Nox had allowed Liam to hug him when they were alone with Lily. He seemed to need it as much as Liam did.
Liam chuckled. "I know I sound like a fan boi, but I owe Nox my life. I own him everything. My life had an expiration date on it. I was days away from being fed a steak dinner with all the fixings. They would season and prepare me for the ritual and then..." He didn't want to think about it, to say it. but he added. "I'd only see one before me. He was friend, a brother, taught me how to please the Blackthorns. And then he was just gone, like that." Liam snapped his fingers. "I have nightmares about it. What it would feel like to have my siblings watching as Ambrose slit my throat and they watched in silent horror unable to do anything other than watch lest they find themselves at a less than glorious death." Liam took a deep breath and fought back the tears. "He saved me and I don't even know how to pay him back. He wants us to do well in school to have friends, to be normal. But how can we be normal after that?" Liam started rambling. "Maybe that's why he's having us all home schooled, and making us go to Kallisti to be around people. Kallisti doesn't seem like a place kids should be, given what ya'll do, but its so much more home than home ever was."
The movie got to one of the jump scare parts and Liam jumped on cue having caught the moment has he looked up. His heart pounding in his chest, his pulse racing, even if everything was blurred with tears. "Don't tell the others I cried." He furiously wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'm the oldest, I can be strong for them, for Ash and Liv too, they had it rough for so long. They don't need to worry about me."
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12-17-2024, 02:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2024, 02:29 AM by Elyse.)
Elyse listened, making sure to look at him as he spoke. She ignored the sound of her wallet. Nox could wait. Liam needed her to listen. The way she had needed Sage, Mae, and Anna to listen yesterday. She didn’t hold against him his need to release all the words that he had likely kept in for so long.
The movie was Avery movie and he jumped at the appropriate time and when he as done talking, she gave him an encouraging smile and wrapped him in a hug.
”Your secret is safe with me. Just remember - there is no shame in crying.”
Elyse released the hug and gave him another smile before standing, and heading back over to where Adrian stood. ”Horror movies, eh? I’m not so big on them myself. I’m more of a science-fiction/fantasy girl myself. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Firefly - all classics now, but I don’t know I like the old stuff. Funny thing - people always told me I looked like the mechanic in Firefly - it’s actually how I chose my stage name.” She grinned. It was a true story.
Elyse went to the fridge and open it. Adrian joined her and spoke quietly so only she could hear. ”This shit real!? This kid speaking the truth,” he said.
”Very much so. Be nice to these kids, they’ve had a really rough beginning to life.”
”Shit…] he said keeping his voice down.
Elyse pulled out some eggs and bacon. She was hungry. ”Liam, I’m going to make some eggs and bacon - you want some? How about you, big guy?” she slapped Adrian on the shoulder with a grin.
”Big guy..?”
”You call me little wolf - I call you Big Guy…seems fair,” she said smiling before turning back to Liam. ”Seriously - eggs, bacon, and I could make you some toast too?”
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Liam gratefully accepted the hug and was a little sad when it ended. Hugs were nice, he hadn't been wrong about that. Elyse offered breakfast and Liam shook his head. "I'll eat when Liv wakes up and we make breakfast for all of us kids."
Liam went back to watching his movie but before completely tuning in he said to Elyse, "Thanks for listening. Let me know if I can repay that favor." He might not be good at fixing things but he could listen. And he wouldn't even have to pretend to like Elyse. Or try to make it part of the game to bring them home. He'd never have to do that again -- not ever. That was almost as joyful as being alive and free.
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Elyse smiled at Liam. ”I’ll let you know if I need someone to all to for sure.”
The smell of cooking bacon was strong in Elyse’s sensitive nose. She flipped the pieces to keep them from burning and checked on the eggs. Adrian stood in his spot, leaning against the counter. Elyse had only met him and he seemed a good man. Liam was a good kid as well - a kid right on the cusp of manhood. If Elyse remembered correctly, this one was a little infatuated with Nox. Liam had even referred to himself as a fan boi. She wondered how Nox was handling that.
”So Liam - what can you tell me about my other housemates. I have yet to meet them,” Elyse had heard about some from Mae, but it had been the day before and new information wasn’t sticking in her head. Most seemed to be related to the Blackthorn situation. Although from what she gathered, her floor neighbor Mara was different.
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Liam looked over as the food started cooking. It smelled good. "There is Mara. We don't know much about her, she came the same day as us though, after Nox went to the hospital, he rescued her from some secure ward with Ashton's help. He's a Siren, so Nox says. His voice is magical."
Liam smiled. "Olivia is a big rough around the edge's. She's not a people person, which is probably a good thingk she could heal so that she didn't just die when the Blackthorns realized she wasn't going to work. Ashton is a siren like I said. There's Jonathan and Noah, Sophia and Emma are like me, just normal foster kids who the Blackthorns took in to lure and seduce waifs and those who wouldn't be missed. And then there is Arabella, Seraphina and Genevieve. They are Blackthorns proper, but girls and because they were Max's kids they survived. He wouldn't let them be eaten after their birth. He was the only one who took in the girls for the most part. Victoria was rare even for her family. I'm the oldest other than Liv and Ashton. Everyone else had several long years ahead of them. Ad then there is Lily, she's only a few days old. She's a Blackthorn though no one other than us will know that. I'm told on paper she'll be Nox's."
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12-26-2024, 01:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-26-2024, 01:42 AM by Elyse.)
Elyse nodded as he spoke, making sure the bacon and eggs didn't burn. Most of them were Blackthorn kids. Seems like she and Mara were the odd ones out. And Liam was one of the oldest. Nox seemed to attract strays it seemed. Nox was an extremely dangerous person and he was going to kill her father, but deep down - he had a good heart and protected those he cared about. And those who were innocent.
But Elyse did a double take. A child - only a few days old - and on paper she was Nox's. Nox was a "father." Elyse blinked at that. "Nox - is raising a child?" she said, her voice surprised. She chuckled. "I never would have expected that."
As the food cooked, she looked at her wallet, finding the attachment for her father's file. She sent Sage a thank you and another message to Nox.
Thanks for that Nox...and again for everything. I'm going to try - but I think I'm going to feel guilty for awhile. What you're doing for these kids here - it's a good thing. I know you're busy - I'll leave you be for now. I'll send you a picture of the new ink though when I get it
She finished her and Adrian's breakfasts and separated the food out, leaving a few slices of bacon aside. She handed a plate to Adrian and he thanked her. She also noticed his sidearm. "That a Glock 48 - 9mm?" She smirked, teasing. "That's a girl gun."
"It's a good gun!" He said feigning hurt.
"It's not the size, it's how you use it right," she slapped his shoulder, jesting with him. Adrian seemed like a good guy with a good sense of humor.
She began to eat. "We have a few slices of bacon here, Liam, if you'd like some. Better hurry before Big Guy eats it though," she smirked again.