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12-08-2024, 07:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 08:44 AM by Thalia.)
Okay I'm excited and I can't help it but that gave me shivers. It looks amazing. The music sounds great too. I like Moiraine's voiceover setup (and gosh, she is so beautiful).
Do we get a glimpse of all the Forsaken there?? There are 8 figures. Looks like 3 men and the rest women. You can definitely see Moggy right at the back.
Oooh, no wait, scrap that. Must be TAR as on a pause it's a very evil looking version of the gang. Left to right Perrin, Moggy, Elayne, Mat, Lanfear, Nyn, Egwene and Rand.
I presume we saw either Galad or Gawyn there at the WT with all the novices swooning behind (Mat quarterstaff scene anyone?). And I also think we see Faile. Looks like Alanna will lose her warder this season, possibly by Liandrin?
Look at Rand with the fancy-pants hair.
edit: also, belatedly occurs to me that we probably see Moiraine's trip to Rhuidean there
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I hope if they do the quarterstaff scene one of my favorites
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12-08-2024, 04:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 04:21 PM by Ascendancy.)
The music is pretty as always.
I think a lot of the flashes are of Moiraine's trip through the three rings - like the Lanfear v Moiraine fights. Hopefully this is foreshadowing Moiraine and Lanfear falling through the doorway and "dying." I think the scene with the "dark squad" (all the heroes in the Ways looking evil) is one of those "possible futures" Moiraine sees in them. In one scene we see Moiraine wearing Amyrlin garb. Does Moiraine find a ter'angreal in the city? (the white ball)
Rhuidean and Avendesora and the glass columns look very pretty and otherworldly. I hope we get the larger view of the sea of spindly glass columns. Theres a glimpse of feet walking through sand and what looks like the sea of glass columns.
Siuan is giving Nyn the task of hunting the black Ajah. It looks like we may have a redesigned Hall of the Tower or perhaps a different space altogether?
Can we have a moment to recognize suave Rand? The hair. *chefs kiss* Is that another vision? The scene def isnt in the Waste IMO. Does he end up in Tear at the end of the season??
Egwene's arches, yay! We gotta get the girls all raised so they can masquerade as Aes Sedai in the future.
I spy Rand and Lan sword training!
I think Alanna and Liandrin have a showdown in the streets of Tar Valon.
The scene where Rand channels a bunch of gold weaves in what looks like a bedroom scene slowly reveals (from the feet toward the head) a previously invisible figure that is now visible with a gold overlay. The figure is hovering over the body of another figure in the bed before it disintegrates. Grey man??? Tear???
Swole guy in the courtyard... I kinda hope that's not Galad. He's not pretty enough IMO, but maybe he cleans up good.
Pretty sure Perrin is kissing Faile? Perrin does look pretty cool with all his armor and building an axe.
Who is the blonde girl right after that? She's got a turban on her head and dark eyeliner. It kinda looks like Elayne but shes hard to recognize for me.
Seeing Rand's dad finding the dead mom in the snow broke my heart.
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Reckon we'll get the Tower coup early on, which may be when Alanna loses the warder in the show. And explains the fighting in Tar Valon. I feel like we got a shot of Elaida on the Amyrlin's seat as well but it's blurry so you can't really tell. I've seen conjecture that the woman in white who is also in that scene is a novice or accepted (Nyn or Eggy), but I can't see one sitting on the arm of the throne. Would fit for Alviarin though, since she's pulling the strings.
I wondered if suave Rand could be how they show a literal Aiel ancestor from the AoL? Could also just be one of the various futures though. I agree that I think we saw a lot of those. I can't imagine they showed us anything much beyond the first 3 episodes though.
If you mean the big statues I think that's a different space. Not sure what. I watched wotup's breakdown this morning and he thought it could be seafolk in that scene. I have no idea. Could also be an AoL scene?
Apparently it is Galad. His name is Callum Kerr if you want a better looksie. He might not be Galad pretty but I think Lythia would approve LOL.
And you're right apparently it is Elayne, though I didn't recognise her. Guess she's in Tanchico by then.
Wotup also spoke about the white ball, but it was to do with leaks, so I won't say in case people don't want to know.
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The Wot Up video helped a lot. I agree with a lot of what he says.
I totally didn't spy that the Amyrlin sitting on the Seat was in red. So it makes sense that it's Elaida. The girl in white on the arm chair looked like she had the Wisdom's belt on and long dark hair, which was why I thought it was Nyn. However, she resembles the same woman in white (long dark hair, white dress) standing to the right of Siuan in Egwene's Arches scene. That person should be the mistress of novices, but I don't seem Sheraim there. Therefore, it could be Alvairin as she is part of the plot pre-coup to get close to the Amyrlin and report back to Elaida.
I hope the guy in the long cloak that looks vaguely Aiel-ish is Asmodean. This figure is in the opening scene in front of Rhuidean to the left of Moiraine. Since we have a shot of Couladin standing there with the two dragon arms, Asmo must be kicking around somewhere!
I am soooo happy they were 100% on location for the Waste scenes in Africa. It is stunning and gives the show such a higher quality feel.
Side note, Lanfear's delts are ripped.
The mirror busting scene is the bubble of evil. Awesome. but didnt that scene take place in the stone of tear?
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Couladin got a bad rap. Guy just wanted glory for his people.
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