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It was a strange feeling to want solitude but also crave company at the same time. It was how Eddie felt that night as he found himself in Manifesto. He wasn’t as rich as some of the people here, but he was certainly well off. He approaches the bar. ”Id like a scotch please - old enough to order its own scotch.”
The drink was brought to him and he turned around to watch the other club goers in their nightly activities. People came to places like this for a multitude of reasons, to escape, to meet people, or to find some one night fling. For Eddie, tonight was a distraction. Sometimes in life you needed a change of pace. That was Eddie, and now he needed a break from contemplating the choices he could make.
Eddie thought he knew what he wanted. He had sent in his resume. The only thing left to do was wait. So he waited and observed. For now it would suffice.
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Natalie was in London and Nhysa was not required to follow her there, where she would instead be under the watchful eye of her family. Usually such downtime might be occupied commandeering the attention of her beloved in rather more intimate a setting, but the inconvenience of having an “official” identity was that sometimes it required things of her. Since the assignment was private and not black ops, and since it involved no death or other such questionable activity, she thought nothing of mixing a little indulgence in with the obligation though. In the ethereal light and eroticism of Block 1 it was a pleasurable enough compromise.
Li looked especially delicious tonight, and she made no effort to hide her roaming gaze as she pulled him onto the dancefloor. There was always something predatory to her intense nature, and she ever enjoyed the sparks between them and his fascination of her in turn. Of the two of them he was the only affluent one, but clearly Nhysa did not lack for resources. Her dress clung to her body in smokey swirls, mesmerising with the movements of her body as she moved with him. She was shameless and unrelenting in the foreplay, though Li knew she was here for a job. It didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy themselves in the meantime.
She had subtly positioned them with a clear vantage of the bar. Li did not know secrets too dangerous to share, of course, but by now he knew her line of work was in security – and probably a bit more than that, though they never broached the topic.
“My mouse is here,” she whispered into his ear with a grin, some time later. She wouldn’t tell him who she was watching; Li was clever, a hunter himself, though of monsters rather than men. But their sorts of work overlapped enough that she could play this game with him, and he had a fair chance of identifying who she was here for.
Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the night, and the night loved her back...
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Oh that dress! Li could not take his eyes off his beautiful dark flower and she teased and taunted him with every move. His attire wasn't nearly as sexy, not that he couldn't pull something off like that -- he most definitely could, but the suit was fine and tailored and spoke of his fame and fortune. It fit in all the right places and his love had taken a fine interest in the details. But she was the pinnacle of their pair. He was proud to flaunt the women on his arm. She was his and that's all that mattered, he doubted anyone else could handle his dark flower.
She was here on business, Li didn't ask questions. He understood, and he was careful in every aspect of their relationship. They avoided the idiot photographers as much as possible, and her identity was never confirmed. It helped they tended to stay in. Their form of fun and games was much more a duo act than letting the rest of the world see. The places they did go favored anonymity over fame any day so that was a plus all around.
The floor was filled with others dancing and Li only had eyes for her. The way she moved and that dress oh he couldn't stop with the dress. She whispered in his ear over the loud music playing. He chuckled. There was always some sort of game they could play, winner takes whatever they wanted. It was a fun challenge. "Is that a challenge? The usual stakes?" He grinned as he whispered the words into her ear teasing just a little before he finished the words.
“What you must do," said Monkey, "is lure the monster from its hiding place, but be certain it is a fight you can survive.”
― Wu Cheng'en, Monkey: The Journey to the West
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11-14-2024, 03:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2024, 07:41 PM by Edwin.)
Taking a sip of his scotch (tasted like Johnnie Walker Blue it tasted like), Eddie observed the room. Certain aspects of training never went away, even if you were trying to relax. From his vantage point, he could find multiple points of egress, and a pretty good view of the room. It wasn't completely open, but you couldn't ask for much better. As a specialist in urban operations, it was a common enough to look for such things, and it was a habit hard to break.
Reading people, however could be another matter, it took skill, especially if they were good at keeping themselves from hiding eyes. An environment such as this thrived on anonymity, but it was easy to see who were just common drunks, rich people who came her to elevate their status by showing off, and those who were here for fun. One couple did catch his eye, a woman with a smokey dress and a affluent man, dancing and whispering to each other. Something about the way they moved spoke predator to his eye, but they looked to be having an enjoyable night out.
Eddie finished his drink, satisfied with his observations for now. He was about to order a second when a woman in a red dress approached him. "Dance with me?" she asked, eliciting a smile from Eddie.
"Only if you insist," he said, a teasing manner in his tone as he offered her his hand in a gentlemanly manner. She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. He was after all here for a good time and not for work.
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Her lips hooked a sharp smile. Given the nature of their rivalry there was rarely what could be considered any actual losing in the games they played, no matter which of them won, but it never dampened Nhysa’s competitive spirit to play against him. Her teeth teased her lip as his breath lingered in her ear. “Yes, dear one,” she answered, luxuriating in their closeness. Her fingers skimmed a possessive caress along his jaw, entirely meant as a devious distraction.
Meanwhile a red dress led her mark to the dancefloor. She’d already observed him sweep his surroundings from the bar, which was a good sign, though any second rate ex-military op would do the same. She’d read the file, though, and Pervaya simply didn’t waste time unless there was a spark worth investigating.
Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the night, and the night loved her back...
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Li luxuriated in her touch and he didn't rush to look around. He could lose and still be completely happy with the result. Sometimes it was more fun to lose. Li pulled Nhysa close and danced her around the floor. His goal was to find her mark, but he didn't really know which job she was working she worked many different kinds, but that was part of the challenge. But he was distracted by the woman in his arms just as much as those around him.
Clubs posed the same threats as the fights they'd originally met in, there could be monsters lurking, though in Manifesto it was unlikely as this was a bit too high end anyone here might be missed. They had the money to be found. But a few did show up once and a while -- mostly the human kind.
Li had already found all the exits and knew the best route out. And he scoped out several perches from which they could spy upon whoever it was that Nhysa was here to find, check out or whaterver it was. He didn't ask. He didn't ask what his dark flowers guise was, he would never give up her secrets. He enjoyed their time together far too much.
There were several potential targets. A man dancing with a woman in red. There was a dangerous looking man on the balcony looking down upon the dance floor, but he didn't look like a mouse, more like the hawk searching for prey. He was probably here doing the same thing as Nhysa, checking out a mark. They'd have to keep an eye on him to make sure things didn't get out of hand. Not that it was either of their job to take care of things like that. But it was best to avoid entanglement for both of them.
"I don't know if I've found your mouse, but there is another hawk seeking their own prey. He nodded up towards the balcony.
“What you must do," said Monkey, "is lure the monster from its hiding place, but be certain it is a fight you can survive.”
― Wu Cheng'en, Monkey: The Journey to the West
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The woman in the red dress took him out to the dance floor and Eddie took this time to really take a look at her. She was tall with dark hair and complexion, seeming middle-eastern in appearance. She was extremely pretty and the red dress hugged her in just the right areas. As they began to dance he gave her a charming smile.
"Edwin Dean," he told her. "But you can call me Eddie if you like."
She gave him a smile as well, "You can call me Rhi," she said, her smile suggestive.
Even dancing, it was easy for Eddie to keep his eyes on the room. The two predators remained locked in their dance, but from this vantage point, Eddie picked up another - a man on the balcony staring down like a hawk looking for its prey. It seemed that Manifesto was not only a high class dance bar, but was a place for dangerous people as well. At this point they had done nothing to bother him, so it hardly mattered though.
He turned his attention back to Rhi, "A pleasure to meet you, Rhi," he pulled her a little closer, and she didn't resist. "And what, may I ask brings you to this fine establishment on a cold winter's night."
"Mixing a little business and pleasure," she said, a wry smile on her lips. "And you?"
He returned her smile, "Oh, you know. I needed a distraction."
"And are you?"
"Distracted? Yes, plenty distracted."
She laughed at that, and it was a nice sound among the sounds of the club. The song ended a little too soon for Eddie's liking. "May I buy you a drink Rhi?" He gestured towards the bar.
Rhi nodded and they headed over. "Another scotch and whatever the Lady would like,"
"The same," Rhi said, earning a raised eyebrow from Eddie.
"A woman who orders a scotch - I think I'm in love." his tone and the smirk on his face showed he was joking and she responded again with light hearted laughter.
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She let him take the lead. A dress bright as blood was not difficult to keep in her peripheral, and there was nothing she would miss while Edwin Dean was busy dancing. She had the time to indulge, and she enjoyed watching Li work. Especially when he must divide his attention so – between vigilance of their surroundings, and the heat of their bodies.
Her gaze did not cast upwards when he mentioned the hawk, but she nodded in agreement. The man on the balcony might be anyone. Manifesto was favoured by the mega wealthy, and amongst the glitz and glamour it was a hotbed for big business and clandestine affairs in equal measure. This city was delightfully corrupt. As such he might be private security, he might be crime syndicate … or he might be something worse. She was not unduly concerned. Nhysa had never felt like prey in her life. But it went without saying that if the man turned out to be a threat toward Li she would protect what was hers. In general he was considered too high profile to draw the Atharim to him, despite the traitor’s mark of his defection and channeling gift. But if an opportunity presented itself, his enemies would take it. And they would die for it.
Nhysa threaded her fingers through his, and brought his knuckles to her lips to slow their dance. Then she pulled him after her. Despite her small stature, she never had much problem parting people like the sea from her path.
At the bar she placed her hand at the curve of the red woman’s waist as she squeezed past. A sideways glance acknowledged, but the club was busy, and the other woman only used the excuse to move closer to her companion and their conversation. Nhysa reached across to signal the barman, and ordered them drinks. Li's preferred wine for him, a vodka short for her.
She turned to pass him his drink. “Perhaps the hawk has the right idea. Let’s find a private perch.”
Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the night, and the night loved her back...
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12-05-2024, 03:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-05-2024, 03:13 PM by Tan Li.)
Li almost forgot about their little deal but when Nhysa let them from the dance floor to the bar he figured there was more to it than thirst. He watched as she dropped something in the lady in red's drink without a soul noticing -- save him of course, he was watching. She'd been dancing with a man who looked the part. He grinned and was pretty sure he'd found her mark, the woman didn't look like much, not that he was looking beyond the superficial. She could be an unassumings spy, but why send Nhysa after her? He didn't know the details didn't want to know. He sipped at his wine as Nhysa lead them to their very own perch on the balcony.
Li stood behind Nhysa and pressed his face against the back of her neck and took in her scent before whispering. "The lady in red wasn't your target, but he was." He whispered into her ear before playfully licking and kissing just below. He would let her work, with little distraction. He could make it more difficult, but he didn't want to interfere with her job -- which ever one it was. He was content to hold her tight against him while they watched over the balcony. They would have plenty of time for games later.
“What you must do," said Monkey, "is lure the monster from its hiding place, but be certain it is a fight you can survive.”
― Wu Cheng'en, Monkey: The Journey to the West
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Nhysa preferred the shelter of the shadows, as well as the things that lived in them unseen. In the strobe lighting of the club below their new spot on the balcony, little of that nature stirred – or if it did it was difficult for even Nhysa to differentiate from the flashes of flesh, and she had always seen things others couldn’t. What the hawk might have been looking at she was not yet sure. Even her own shadow was quiet. She couldn’t see it tonight, but she could feel the gentle purring of its contentment as it slithered around her feet.
She leaned into the press of Li’s body, making an appreciative noise for his attention below her ear. Nhysa had enjoyed plenty of lovers in the past, but there wasn’t another soul alive she’d have allowed the freedoms she allowed Li. In the envelopment of his arms and the closeness of his breath against her neck she felt a profound possessiveness over him. Around them the darkness pulled a little closer. It wasn’t overt, but he would certainly notice the shiver her power made against his skin.
“You’ve evened the tally,” she remarked, amused but not surprised. Her tone suggested she was not remotely disappointed to have lost to him. Nhysa quite unabashedly enjoyed their strange balance of domesticity just as much as the more carnal desires of their deep attraction, and was curious to discover what he would later ask of her. Once, to her bemusement, it had been a teasing request to cook them dinner – which she had done, albeit with her own unique spin. It had been an unforgettable evening.
“My current employer prefers new prospects to receive a… practical job interview. Anyone can boast of their accomplishments, but nature speaks for itself. What will he do with a threat, dear one? Not to him, but to someone else. If he fails, he will never even know he was tested. We shall not truly hurt his lady in red, of course.” She shifted to glance briefly up at him, a smirk of invitation in her night dark eyes.
Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the night, and the night loved her back...