The First Age
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- Ascendancy - 07-20-2013

How do I know what god I can be?

You can be any god from mythology, so long as its not already claimed by another character. See claimed gods list. GODS of myth must be channelers; however, stories that feature heroes or mortals do not have to be channelers. Also, if you played a RP character from the 3rd Age (time of the books), you can play your old character-reborn.

Will my character ever remember their “past life”?

At this point in our story, we have not developed any means by which characters remember past lives. This is not to say it is impossible, it just hasn’t happened. If this is a storyline you are interested in pursuing, contact us.

Will I feel kinships or familiarity with other gods?

If a mythology says two gods were related in one way or another and both are reborn, certainly! You may or may not feel a kinship, relationship, or a familiarity with that other person. The chatroom would be a great place for the two writers to talk about it!

What is the process by which channelers advance in strength and experience?

You are in control of advancing your own strength and experience level as a writer which feels their character has developed it throughout your various posts. Therefore, you can further your progress / strength / skill at your own pace. There are no designated rules by which must be followed to 'level up' so long as you don't go beyond your 'potential strength' level, as that is the max you applied for (and were approved) when submitting the application to begin with.

As general guideline, it will likely take 3-6 months of consistent RP to advance from Adept to Expert.

Before leveling up to 'Master' experience level, check with admin first.

On the other hand, if we ever come into a situation where it is deemed someone is taking advantage of such freedoms, we'll handle it on a case by case basis.

Can we invent monsters?

Yes! You have the freedom to add to the monsters and mythos of the world. I only ask that you have an appropriately developed back story to tie in with your creation of sufficient depth to approximate that on the Mythos Blog. At that point, your creation will be added!

- Ascendancy - 09-15-2016

How many channelers are in the world in 2046?

This number will only reflect Wilders and not individuals who can learn to channel, because we have not included "Learners" in our RP yet.

It was said that 1% of the world population were Wilders in the Age of Legends. Assuming that is the peak time for channelers, we are no where near 1% in 2046. But over the next few thousand years, we will build up to the 1% population level.

So in 2046, assume that 0.001% of the population are Wilders.

The world population is estimated to be about 9.5 billion people in 2046 (accounting for deaths from the disasters of the 2020's). So that's approximately 95,000 worldwide.

The CCD population is approximately 4.5 billion - so that's approximately 45,000 across the CCD.

Most of these Wilders die when they spark. So if even 1/4 survive long enough to develop a block, well, that's almost 25,000 channelers in the world. Of these, many are unlikely to realize what they are doing. (Remember Nynaeve didn't know she was channeling for years before Moiraine showed up).

Etc etc.

You can do your own math to determine a specific region now.