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This is Me - Printable Version +- The First Age ( +-- Forum: Moscow ( +--- Forum: Greater Moscow and the Golden Ring ( +--- Thread: This is Me (/thread-1236.html) |
This is Me - Tan Li - 06-08-2020 The whole date went sideways. The mist monsters, the fight. The searing pain. But it had its good points - or good point. Nhysa was a great companion. And after dropping the wounded girl off at Li was certain was a black market doctor. He'd visited a few of them over the years. And he felt like he needed one though there was nothing visibly wrong with him - except maybe a little bruising where Nhysa had saved his life. But a little makeup and a high collar would fix that, And for now, he didn't really care anyway. It was dark. The quiet of the streets wasn't really quiet but it gave them much time to be alone. The darkness seemed to bring Nhysa out more. Not that she had been shy or timid before she just seemed to have different energy now than before. There was a point after leaving the treacherous one at the hospital and they were alone that Li wanted to take her hand and be the childish giddy fool he was feeling. It wasn't everyday that an everyday walk with a normal person didn't turn into a gawkfest. Being famous had it's drawbacks. A few looked, most didn't care. And it was dark so it could just be the trick of the eye. Sometimes Li used his power to trick them more, but he didn't dare draw upon the gift the memories still too painful. The dojo drew near and Li finally took her hand. "This is me." He led her down the alley to the side entrance. When he bought the dojo he also bought the whole building creating his permanent living space in Moscow above the dojo - he could be near and still have the lifestyle he was accustom too. "You will see me inside? I owe you a drink for saving my life." He gave her a sly smile. He was tired. His head hurt but he enjoyed her company and didn't want the night to end. RE: This is Me - Nhysa - 06-08-2020 Her gaze roamed the outside of the building curiously, drawn by the pull of Li’s hand to the side alley of the entrance. Shadows kissed the edges of her amused smile for his sweetness. Though sometimes Nhysa’s jobs required her skills as an actress, little in her life could ever be considered as normal as the scene she found herself in now -- and of course, this wasn’t a job at all. The pedestrian nature of the question made her laugh. His coy smile was pinched a little by the pain she realised must linger after the ijiraq’s feasting upon his gift, or perhaps from the choke that had levered it off. Either way, a more honourable woman might have seen him gently to the bed and rest he clearly needed, whatever his tease. An honourable woman who clearly was not Nhysa. A wicked smile gleamed, and she pushed him back against the wall. Not hard enough to bruise him of course; she was mindful of the delicacy that was part of his lure. “I don’t want a drink, Li,” she teased. Her hand snaked against his jaw, tipping his mouth down to hers. RE: This is Me - Tan Li - 06-08-2020 There was a tell tale gleam in her eye and then he was pressed up against a wall. Li let out a soft grunt and laughed at her statement. The heat rising and much more too when she pulled him into a kiss. There encounters had always flirted with the attraction. It was an unusual feeling having his breath stolen from the woman with ease. Most women he saw were not quite so aggressive - but Nhysa was not most women. He pulled her close allowing their bodies to connect in ways they hadn't prior before he took a step towards the side door he'd been aiming for before he found his back to the wall in the most enjoyable way. "I think I can manage that." He said, his voice filled with pent up desire. Once inside Li didn't bother with the lights, he knew his way around his own home - he hoped. But he shed his coat, and took any outerwear from Nhysa before he pulled her back into him and backed his way towards the bedroom. His hands were busy trying to find skin, his mouth eager to find some as well, while his feet were looking for the path to the bed down the hall. RE: This is Me - Nhysa - 06-09-2020 They fumbled a passage through the shadows of his home. His hunger fuelled her to intensity, and though he seemed determined to lead them into the comfort of his bedroom she would have been perfectly content with something more primal. As he led she followed, though, slipping her own hands beneath his shirt to the heat of skin below, and pinching his lip between her teeth. Nhysa blended pleasure into her work all the time; knew how to be any number of different lovers -- but this was purely about her own desires, not an act or a game or a job. When she sat astride Jaxen Marveet’s lap and coaxed him into oblivion, it had been Li she thought of. Clothes peeled loose on route. The second skin bandage still wrapped her stomach, though she was not self-conscious of it -- nor would have been even had they been drenched in stark sunlight rather than the cool beams of moonlight that silhouetted them. Li knew enough of what she was; he would expect the scars. Maybe next time she would choose to see the tattoos on his skin for herself; to see what she now explored quite thoroughly with her other senses. But not now. Framed by shadows, she pushed him down into the softness of the cushions, a smirk and dark gleam of eyes, and claimed what was hers. RE: This is Me - Tan Li - 06-10-2020 It was everything and more than Li imagined. And he had imagined a great deal since meeting the mysterious dark goddess at the Almaz. There was something freeing in giving Nhysa whatever she wanted. He wasn't passive by any means feeding his own impulses as much as caving to hers. The energy was primal but real. It wasn't rushed in its need. The gleam of sweat on their skin glimmered from the outside light through the partially open curtains. Light in the darkness, but it was the darkness Li fell into, into Nhysa. Her gaze, her arms, the way her body moved above his, how she moved underneath him. He was infatuated with the dark beauty unlike anything else he'd ever felt. He'd had girlfriends before - famous cliched romances that played out all the same. He left them for cheating or she left him because he worked too much. No one was ever happy. And the sex had been ordinary - worth repeating - but this.... this was extraordinary, Li thought as he collapsed beside Nhyssa on sweat covered sheets, the rest of the bedding found its way to the floor in their extracurricular activities. He felt the need for a cigarette after about like that, but he didn't smoke - never had. A smirk played on his lips, "That was... Li searched for a word as he tried to catch his breath "Amazing doesn't seem to do it justice. You are definitely a dark goddess." He winked and offered his shoulder for a pillow. He would not push the cuddle - she was not the ordinary woman and he would never treat her as such unless he got the distinct feeling that was what she wanted. It was new and intoxicating. "Give me a few hours sleep and we can test each other's skills in different ways, followed by another round here." It was an offer to stay. He'd even make breakfast, though he didn't think that was as enticing as sparring in the dojo. They were both fighters that was their initial draw - now Li was sinking because of different reasons. RE: This is Me - Nhysa - 06-12-2020 Nhysa chuckled a little at the compliment. Her limbs stretched out in the dark, limned in night’s glow. Somewhere distant her shadow curled, though it paid little mind to her now. She turned, propping her head with a hand, watching Li through the dark tilt of her eyes. Usually she did not find cause or opportunity for pillow talk, so this was a curious indulgement. She watched the rise and fall of his chest as he caught the breath back in his lungs, and found satisfaction that curved a smile to her lips. His earnestness charmed her, and she was content to let it. Such attachments rarely lasted in her line of work, and she imagined him to have a similar experience with his. “I won’t go easy on you. Though I don’t expect you thought I would.” She smirked at him, and took a moment to consider the implication. Little inclined her to leave the warmth of his bed, though. She winked. “Sleep now, dear one. Sounds like you will need the rest.” RE: This is Me - Tan Li - 06-15-2020 Li smiled at the acceptance of the offer. Sleep, breakfast, another round or two, and a few in the ring. Perhaps not all in that order, but definitely were on his agenda as he closed his eyes content that he'd find Nhysa there in the morning. Most women lingered in the hopes of being spoiled - treated to a billion-dollar breakfast and with their obligatory sex as payment. That was the sort of women Li was used to this was a different ball game all together - one Li actually was enjoying. Sleep came easily. He was utterly worn out. Sex had been amazing, but it was the power of the mist that drew him down into a deep slumber. With dreams of dark monsters and shadows that took the shape of man. Searing pain blinding lights, and memories fluttering to the surface even as the darkness pulled him deeper into the depths of his own mind. Memories of past fights, of the creature he'd met in Ireland. All these things of less danger than one simple creature. And Li doubted himself, his own fears. He was nothing but a glorified martial artist who thought he was the real deal. What sort of Atharim had he been hiding in plain sight? Monsters - they weren't real ones - they were curated for play things, and Li thought to take them down. Now reality set in and haunted him with blinding light and dark shadows. Door ways to things he'd never seen. Images in the clouds. Li started awake in the darkness aware of the body next to him and he smiled to himself. They were just dreams. However real the memories had been. His weakness had always been with not finding the balance - he would need regain himself. Find his new balance. But not tonight. And not the morning. However early, he didn't dare move. He didn't want it to end. Content to remain until he knew Nhysa roused. Then breakfast. - hopefully the bachelor life still had room for making breakfast. RE: This is Me - Nhysa - 06-24-2020 Nhysa watched him for a while before she finally let sleep descend for herself. She was a light sleeper by training, and an early riser by habit. Early dawn shadows still caressed the room’s corners when she roused, though she was in no great hurry to move. She could feel Li breathing beside her, and it twitched a smile to the corners of her lips when the unfamiliarity of her surroundings reordered into memories of last night. Her hand snaked out lazily across his stomach, and her lips found the warm and sleepy skin against his ribs. She considered the novelty of going back to sleep, though only for a moment. Relaxing was not something she was particularly good at. Instead she pushed herself up, with every intention of climbing over him to get out of the bed. Her gaze washed over him appreciatively. “Where’s your shower?” RE: This is Me - Tan Li - 06-28-2020 The look made Li smile and stretch, the sheet shifting to reveal more of his body. A body he had earned through tireless conditioning, that he still maintained. No one wanted a martial artist in a film if he was covered in love handles and beer bellies. Unless of course, that was what the role called for. The Drunken Money could easily have been played by such a man. The question brought upon a new smile, one far more heated with lust. But he did have other plans, and joining Nhysa would be much more difficult to entice her to stay for breakfast. Li pointed the opposite direction of the shower with a playful grin, "Over there. No, wait." his finger flicked to the other side of the room where it truly was. "No maybe over there." He nodded his head towards the correct direction with a smile still growing on his face. "I'd offer to show you, but I think while you are cleaning up I will make breakfast - all the more easier to entice you to stay a little longer." Li offered a genuine smile. "And to give you a glimpse at a more normal life for a change. An imaginary one, as neither of us live them. But for a small moment - while it's quiet.... er." Li licked his lips as she crawled over top of him. The woman was pure evil with high point in seduction. It took a large amount of will power for Li to keep his hands in the bedsheets and not from wrapping around the beautiful woman atop him. Breakfast was important he kept reminding himself. And if they wanted another round fuel was good. But it was hard in all aspects of the word. The view to his bathroom was extraordinary. And unusual - in that he rarely stayed in his own home for such excursions - hotels were the usual scene. It was less effort once the woman had travesed the path to the bathroom and closed the door behind her for Li to make his way to the kitchen, with a pit stop at his closet for a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He'd shower after the planned workout, for now, it was breakfast. It was simple - Li's kitchen was fully stocked but he never cooked - he had a personal chef for that, but today was their day off. Leftovers or other means. But Li could cook, the monastery had taught him much, and he could make bāozi - a family recipe. Something he had learned from his mother ages upon ages ago. The steamed buns would be stuffed with a variety - a traditional American breakfast of eggs and bacon inside the buns was a favorite of Li's having become accustomed to their traditional breakfasts while in Hollywood. But he also preferred a sweet version and made both the sweet one stuffed with strawberry preserves and a light whipped cream cheese. Not always traditionally Chinees but the steamed buns were from his mother. RE: This is Me - Nhysa - 06-29-2020 He played with her, and her sly grin flashed teeth. She crawled across him slowly, fully aware of all that lay beneath, though this time she allowed him to retain his virtue. At least for now. It was quite adorable that he appeared to think she should need sufficient enticement to stay, but she did not correct the assumption. Nhysa was happy to indulge him whatever he wished, but his eagerness did not hurt. She showered with efficiency, checking the healing wound, which seemed no worse for wear beneath the second skin. Some cursory interest was shown in her surroundings now, though there seemed little of a personal nature, and her interest was not held simply by the grandeur. When she emerged, her dark hair dripped against her shoulders, a towel wrapped and tied against her skin. Her clothes were still strewn carelessly somewhere, and she had no great desire to hunt them immediately; not when the curiosity of the kitchen and a taste of this so called ordinary life beckoned instead. Nhysa paused in the threshold to watch Li, and made no secret of her languorous inspection before she finally sauntered in. Her work took her overseas enough to recognise the dish he was making, its traditional nature curling a smile to her lips. She leaned against the counter to watch him, leaning after a moment to dip a coy finger in the preserve. Honestly, she had little idea what ordinary was supposed to look like. |